40K Codex - Release Order

Blimey, how much is this being debated...!
The latest info I have is this:
- Blood Angels
- Dark Eldar (70% sure)
- Inquisition!! (30% sure)
Not sure how accurate that is, everyone at GWHQ is being very well behaved, damn them!
I am really hoping for good things from that Inquistion codex if it materialises. There is a lot of debate about whether the Chambers Militant (Grey Knights, Sisters and Deathwatch) will be included or not, I'm honestly unsure. Things I personally would hope to see included:
- No losses from the current army lists, or at least no major ones
- Assassins
- Both GKs and Sisters remaining
- Deathwatch kill teams and some other Deathwatch units
- Update to Stormtroopers, maybe with a few more weapon options
- Valkyries!
- Decent options for radical inquisitors
- Plastic Grey Knights
- Plastic Sisters
- Plastic Stormtroopers
- Inquisition vehicle door set perhaps?
- A few fancy inquisitor sculpts (the current ones are quite good, especially considering they are fairly old)
- A wider range of henchmen
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