This weekend was the event entitled "Age of the Emperor: The Great Scouring" run by the Tempus Fugitives. Here's a selection of photos from the event for you viewing pleasure!
All being well, Games Workshop will be holding their annual 40K Doubles tournament in January. There's no confirmation yet, but after a great response in 2010, I am sure they'll be going for it. The rules are normally thus: Two players, each with 750pts. Each must have 1HQ and 1Troops. The remainder of the combined army then has to conform to the standard FOC, but you must take one Elite, one Fast Attack and one Heavy Support before you can take a second selection from any of them. You may of course include more Troops without restriction.
With GW releasing the Daemonhunters and Witchhunters codices on their website in the near future, there's a bit of renewed interest in the forces of the inquisition. Now the rumored Grey Knights codex is said to be on its way in early 2011, but we honestly aren't sure what it may include!
Everyone is going Blood Angel mad around here. There’s Storm Raven conversions going on, debates about special characters and why the Blood Angels would bother fitting Lucifer pattern engines into a Whirlwind! I couldn’t resist having a go with them, and I just happen to have a suitable army sitting around at home, my pre-heresy World Eaters.
The release of the latest Imperial Guard codex opened up a wealth of heavy armour possibilities for all you ‘Treadheads’ out there. The Leman Russ variants took centre stage, but for me, it’s the artillery that really shine. Only one of these is available 'off-the-shelf' for now (although this may change), and it has recently received a minor revamp and reboxing, of course, this is the Basilisk.
An email from Rhinocaps to BOLS sparked a thought in my mind. I'm building up a World Eaters army at the moment, but never once did I even consider using bikes. Am I right in my ignorance, or am I missing a trick?
Of all the changes that came into 5th edition, the one of the most sweeping ones was the new mission structure. With the Battle Missions book on the horizon, my biggest hope is that there aren't many kill-point missions in it!!
Games of 40K with more than two players, particularly doubles, have seen a surge in popularity in recent months in our local gaming scene. These 2v2 games require you to rethink your normal gaming procedures, before and during the game. If you aren't used to playing doubles, they can create a few situations to test your nerve!
I'm currently taking part in a 40K campaign at Warhammer World. For almost every game in recent months I've been using my World Eaters, so I fancied revisiting one of my older armies. So, cue the resurection of my Radical Daemonhunters.
One unit has stolen all the headlines in the last couple of weeks, the Doom of Malan'tai. Ok, so it's big and scary, and I know it steals all your souls and can get itself up to 10 wounds, but love it or hate it, it's here to stay. You may as well get used to it, and learn to deal with it! Ok, so once the FAQ is out, we'll have some answers to the questions on embarked units and cover saves, but until then, let's see if we can cope him!
This hobby of ours is a bit of a balancing act on so many levels. Ambition v Time. Cost v Funds. This time I would like to talk about an old favourite, Painting v Gaming.
Land speeders are one of the units in the marine list that have fallen in and out of favour more times than I care to remember. Like Eldar Vypers, they are made out of wafer thin armour, and fairly expensive to upgrade, but they combine a level of firepower and mobility that is almost unrivalled in the marine list (only the attack bike comes close, if you want to compare the two, look at Jawaball's article on the subject). Having said all this, they are one of my favourite units, so I thought I'd spend a few minutes sharing my opinions on them.
Well, I'm an avid 40K and Necromunda gamer from the home of GW, Nottingham, UK.
It all started back in 2nd Edition, and I've been playing even since.
I consider myself to be an adept gamer, and am particularly fond of using interesting, fun lists, rather than super-competitive ones.